Cap’s Favorite Frosh

435 House races is an awful lot to keep up with, so why not outsource your donation decision-making to a drunken stranger in a fetching luchador mask n’ bathrobe combo? Honestly though, these six members of the Blue Wave class are impressive as hell; they’re not my faves for no reason, y’know. Plus, they’re all in competitive races, and could use your help.

The Good Gal

Sharice Davids

One of the first Native women in Congress, Sharice Davids brought her devotion to service to this longtime Republican bastion. A strong team player, Davids has an especially impressive record on health care, including her anti-surprise medical billing legislation. Plus, down the stretch in our battle to save American democracy, she’s been a leader in the fight to save the Post Office from Turd Reich sabotage. Well worth rehiring.





Cook: Likely Dem

Inside Elections: Likely Dem

Roll Call: Likely Dem

Sabato: Likely Dem

The Bad Gal

Amanda Adkins

Amanda Adkins frankly has a lot of fucking nerve even running, after her role in transforming my beloved Kansas into Brownbackistan. After her batshit wingnut policies crotch-punted the state’s education system, Adkins now says, “also I want to take away your health care, vote for me!” Amanda needed her rich father’s money to bail her out of a nasty little primary, likely because her reckless, anti-science coronavirus jabber proves her judgement remains extremely shitty.

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The Good Guy

Jared Golden

Marine veteran Jared Golden became the first Congressman elected by ranked choice voting when he swung this seat in 2018. Since then he’s delivered bipartisan solutions in Washington and excellent service for his constituents in Maine. Golden is certainly an independent thinker; he split his impeachment votes and endorsed Michael Bennet in the presidential primary…let’s keep his voice in the room.





Cook: Toss-Up

Inside Elections: Lean Dem

Roll Call: Lean Dem

Sabato: Likely Dem

The Bad Guy

Dale Crafts

Dale Crafts is one of the Republican Party’s “young guns” and no I’m not kidding. I guess the cutting edge conservative up-n’-comers these days are rich old white men with medieval views on reproductive rights and marriage equality, dudes so wingnutty even their endorsements read like warnings. Dale is staunchly anti-health care, but manically pro-gun, an excellent fit for the death cult that is the modern GOP, but why would you let this loon write laws?

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The Good Gal

Elaine Luria

Elaine Luria was my favorite candidate in 2018, and now she’s my favorite freshman. A barrier-breaking 20-year Navy veteran, an entrepreneur, and…hell, read her bio yourself, I can’t do any better. Expertise, boldness, and a lifetime of service; this is what all our elected representatives should be like. Luria has a motto: Be Good, Do Good Work. She lives up to it. She looks out for her constituents. She led on impeachment. Let’s keep her around.





Cook: Toss-Up

Inside Elections: Lean Dem

Roll Call: Lean Dem

Sabato: Lean Dem

The Bad Guy

Scott Taylor

So, Scott Taylor is supposed to be a moderate. So “moderate” he voted for the AHCA, knowing it would wreck millions of American lives. He also voted for the GOP tax scam, even as he neglected to pay his own taxes. Scotty’s actually super shady, from his business history to his campaign forging signatures in an attempt to get a vote-splitting independent on the ballot. Coastal Virginia fired this crook two years ago for good reason, and now he wants his old gig back? Hard pass.

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The Good Gal

Lucy McBath

Lucy McBath showed us we could beat the murderous GOP/NRA team-up even in Newt Gingrich’s backyard, and she’s kept right on beating ‘em in Washington. And while yes, McBath has been a leading voice for gun control since her son’s tragic murder, she’s also led on issues ranging from veterans to Pell Grants. Definitely a keeper.





Cook: Lean Dem

Inside Elections: Tilt Dem

Roll Call: Tilt Dem

Sabato: Lean Dem

The Bad Gal

Karen Handel

Karen Handel is so shitty, she’s managed to be shitty at CHARITY. While serving as a Vice President at Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Karen tried to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood, and when that blew up in her face, she threw a fit and quit. As Georgia Secretary of State, Handel was a ferocious vote suppressor. Anti-health care, anti-minimum wage, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ…Karen Handel fucking sucks, y’all. We beat her in the midterms, but it looks like this one needs one more flush.

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The Good Gal

Abigail Spanberger

We knew we’d gotten an ass-kicker when Abigail Spanberger first rose up to challenge Tea Party maniac Dave Brat. The former CIA operative now fights for gun control and health care from a seat the GOP held for 38 years. And her leadership on impeachment showed the world that even our most vulnerable members were willing to risk their careers to protect the nation from Trump’s lawlessness. We should keep her around, is what I’m saying here.





Cook: Toss-Up

Inside Elections: Tilt Dem

Roll Call: Tilt Dem

Sabato: Lean Dem

The Bad Guy

Nick Freitas

Nick Freitas is a cookie-cutter Rand Rand Paul/Heritage/FreedomWorks jackass who launched himself to wingnut stardom with a deranged, hateful, pro-gun speech on the floor of the House of Delgates that sounds like a bot after being fed 5,000 hours of Fox commentary. Anyway, young Nick is that magic combination of whinging victimhood, regurgitated talking points, and white boy mediocrity that drives Cult45 wild, but holy fuck he has no business writing anybody’s laws.

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The Good Gal

Xochitl Torres Small

Xochitl Torres Small brought her killer resumé as a water attorney and Senate staffer to Congress, along with a firm understanding of the issues facing southern New Mexico: health care, water rights, energy development, broadband access, and more. Republicans thought they could take Xochitl down by hitting her over her impeachment vote, but that plan hit a coronavirus-shaped wall.

New Mexico




Cook: Toss-Up

Inside Elections: Tilt Dem

Roll Call: Tilt Dem

Sabato: Lean Dem

The Bad Gal

Yvette Herrell

This one’s a rematch; Yvette Herrell won’t take “leave us the fuck alone” for an answer. Before her failed attempt to bring Dotard-style hate politics to New Mexico, Herrell served on the board of everyone’s favorite band of corporation-humping ratfuckers, ALEC, ewwwwww. She won her primary by claiming to be the Trumpiest of Them All, which she proves by attacking the media and lying a lot. Another premature victory speech sure would be hilarious, though.

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