The Good Gal
Christina Hale
Christina Hale has a seat waiting for her in the Get Shit Done Caucus; she got more than 60 bills passed in the Indiana state legislature, all with bipartisan support. And despite her tremendous success, she’s never forgotten her experiences as a young single mom, struggling to provide health insurance for her son, which is probably why she’s been such a reliable fighter for working people.
- Visit the official website
- On Twitter as @HaleIndy
- Visit Facebook page
The Bad Gal
Victoria Spartz
Victoria Spartz was probably the shittiest candidate in a crowded primary to succeed retiring Susan Brooks, and her shittiness puts the seat in play, huzzah! Victoria is hoping that screaming Socialism Socialism Socialism will distract Indiana voters from her shady self-dealing and lunatic wingnut platform. The good news is, this Club for Growth stooge can’t seem to raise money, and this is one of those suburban districts we’ve been picking off, so I like our chances here.