Der Postmeister Postmaster General
Donald Trump had a problem. A problem called “democracy.” See, he LIKED being President, (well, not the work part, but definitely charging the Secret Service to pee) but those rat-bastard Founding Fathers built all these dumb ol’ “elections” into their dumb ol’ “Constitution,” and smack dab in the middle of an economy you personally wrecked and a pandemic you disastrously mismanaged is nobody’s idea of a great time for a performance review.
Pigfucker Multipurpose Trump Tool
Devin “Pigfucker” Nunes was an early adopter of Donald Trump’s unique blend of authoritarianism and kakistocracy, and it’s not hard to understand why; it takes a whole lotta institutional white supremacy to keep men so maliciously mediocre in positions of power.
Wrinkly Gamera Breaker of Senates
There is no greater proof that the Republican base has no goddamn sense than Mitch McConnell’s consistently dismal approval rating from voters of his own party; the man is absolute ghoul, yes, and certainly he projects little folksy warmth, but he puts Ws on the board. Big ones. More than anybody I’ve ever seen.
Reichskommissar Floridaman Death Cult Reality Show Competitor/Actual Fucking Governor
One of Trump’s earliest congressional taint remoras, Ron DeSantis rode a wave of I’m With Stupid first to the Florida GOP’s 2018 gubernatorial nomination, and then, because learning from mistakes is apparently for cucks, to a narrow general election victory.
Liar Tuck Middling Telefascist
To level with y’all up front, I think Tucker Carlson is the most dangerous man in America. He’s the mouth of American fascism, and Donald Trump’s unofficial Chief Disinformation Dispenser, and, ultimately, a manufacturer of brownshirts.
The Vainglorious MTG Actual Fucking Congresswoman, Heaven Help Us
Take an unusually weak mind, surgically remove evolution’s hard-won capacity to tell fact from fiction, fill the empty spaces with hate, and you’ve got Marjorie Taylor Greene. Drop that mind in the middle of the I-know-we’re-not-supposed-to-dismiss-MAGA-whites-as-racist-hillbillies-but-COME-ON shithole known as the Georgia 14th, and you’ve got the dumbest, most malicious member of the United States Congress, and ascendant American fascism’s loudest, vilest mouth.
Incesto, the Treasonous Clown Freelance Legal Idiot
When Rudy Giuliani, having just chugged a bottle of methamphetamine-laced NyQuil, stumbled onstage to deliver his apocalyptic sermon of fear at the 2016 Republican Nation Convention, you knew something was deeply fucked in this country.
Mike Pence is the Patron Saint of Mediocre White Dudes, and the Roman God of Failing Upwards.
A Democrat in his youth, Pence, like many men of limited intelligence, turned to religious conservatism for the convenience of being able to end arguments by claiming God shares his every fear and prejudice, while forgiving his every shortcoming, how convenient.
Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo is one of those performatively pious fake Christians who loves using his loudly-claimed-but-seldom-followed faith like a cudgel while ignoring every single word of the actual Bible, including “and” and “the.”
Secretary of State
Over the course of three decades, Rex Tillerson fucked, bribed, and murdered his way to the top of Exxon Mobil, like some sort of jowlsy Eva Peron.
Attorney General
William Barr actually taught me a valuable lesson. See, I didn’t look too closely at Bill when he was nominated to be Attorney General. After Jeff “Too Racist for the 80’s” Sessions and the masculine toilet guy, honestly, he looked like a nice, refreshing, safe, traditional Republican. An institutionalist who could bring a little much-needed stability.
And then he turned out to be a fascist, and one of the most dangerous enemies of democracy in American history. Whoops. My bad.
Secretary of the Treasury
Steve Mnuchin, like his namesake, the Noise You Make When You’re Dry Heaving After Getting Food Poisoning From Eating Truck Stop Gas Station Roller Hot Pockets on a Road Trip, is deeply unpleasant, and may result in the involuntary voiding of foul-smelling bodily fluids.
Secretary of Defense
Chief of Staff
National Security Advisor
Holy shit, there are Generals all over the place these days, aren’t there?
Retired General James Mattis serves as Secretary of Defense. Retired General John Kelly ran Homeland Security for a bit, before becoming the Lead Executive Branch Babysitter, excuse me, Chief of Staff. H.R. McMaster’s the National Security Advisor, and hell, he’s still on active duty.
OL’ BEAUREGARD The President's Loyal Huntin' Dawg
Attorney General
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, third generation of his family to carry the name of a Confedarate piece of trash and also a second Confederate piece of trash, is living his dream. As Velveeta Goebbels’ Attorney General, he’s turning back the clock to a time when women and minorities knew their place, and mediocre white dudes like himself got to run everything, even if they weren’t especially bright.
Ryan Zinke is like if the crappiest robot in Westworld escaped and jumped into conservative politics. He’s such a cartoon cowboy, I bet his right boot says “Andy” on the bottom.
Secretary of Commerce
When a witch’s curse transformed his master into a Beast and his fellow servants into household objects, Wilbur Ross became a decorative garden gnome. Unlike the rest of his compatriots, he ventured out into the world to make his fortune in the realm of shady international finance and money laundering, and when True Love’s Kiss lifted the curse, Wilbur was too far away for the enchantment to reverse, and thus he remains trapped in gnome form forever.
Secretary of Health and Human Services
If the Hippocratic Oath is binding in any sort of spiritual sense, Tom Price is royally fucked, y’all. There is some straight Dante shit awaitin’ him in the afterlife.
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Dr. Ben Carson is only in politics because he was rude President Obama to his face. At the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast, a traditionally non-political event, Dr. Ben, having been invited as the keynote speaker, decided to use his time to shit on the President and his policies.
Secretary of Education
Betsy DeVos is what happens when bored white ladies have enough money to really fuck shit up. Turns out, if you’re born rich and marry richer, you don’t have to settle for a book club, you can buy yourself a whole cabinet department!
Administrator of the EPA
Scott Pruitt, like a lot of boys his age, grew up watching Captain Planet cartoons. Unlike most boys his age, he decided that the various sludge-smog-and-toxic-waste-slinging villains were the role models for him.
Ok, fine. Pruitt is ten years too old to have grown up on Captain Planet, but fuck you, that’s a good opening paragraph. Make your own fucking website, you don’t like it.
Chief of Staff
Nobody wants to be Reince Priebus when they grow up. He’s just so immediately recognizable as a weaselly little tapeworm of a man, y’know?
Reince Priebus is the sort of person who would be played by Brad Dourif in a film.
Chief Strategist
Steve Bannon played Bob Ewell in a high school production of To Kill a Mockingbird, and liked it so much he decided to stay in the character for the rest of his life.
A self-described Leninist, and an outspoken populist*, Bannon wants to kidney-punch the administrative state, give it a wedgie, and steal its lunch money.
Senior Advisor/Son-in-Law
Jared Kushner was born on third base and thinks he invented baseball.
Jared’s dad, Charles Kushner, went to jail for tax evasion, illegal campaign donations, and, ahem, “witness tampering,” by which I mean he set his brother-in-law up with a hooker (not, I’m sad to report, of the Pissing Russian variety) and recorded their genital-smushing in order to blackmail him.
Daddy’s Little Girl
Ivanka Trump is what happens when you cross Gwyneth Paltrow with Mussolini’s dumbest, laziest aide-de-camp. Watching her try to sell her father’s fascism as some sort of pro-woman lifestyle brand, marketed in the sickliest imaginable shade of pink, has been one of the most bizarre subplots of this nightmare we can’t seem to pinch ourselves out of.
First Lady
So, while Melania Trump is perhaps not as shitty as many of the crooks, Nazis, and Nazi crooks who inhabit her dirtbag husband’s world, she manages to impressively shitty in her own right.
Senior Counsel
Hey, Kellyaaaaaaaaaaaanne!
Hey, Kellyaaaaaaaaaaaanne!
When you worked for Akin, things weren’t simple
Cuz he got caught on tape
With legitimate rape
Senior Advisor for Policy
Why is it always the shittiest imaginable white dudes who turn out to be white supremacists?
Stephen Miller, who started balding eleven seconds after his conception, has by all accounts been a sack of monkey shit pretty much every single minute of his life.
Director of Communications
Oh wow, this new Communications Director looks like a real character, huh?
Where to begin? Ok, Anthony Scaramucci first came to –
Wait, what? Really?
White Supremacist Multi-Tool
Kris Kobach is like the protagonist of the white supremacist version of one of those Disney movies where a kid learns to chase his dreams, no matter how big. The kid gets tired of the monotonous grind of burning crosses on just one lawn at a time, and dreams of burning a cross big enough for the whole dang country!
Maybe he has a talking/singing Confederate flag for a sidekick. Named “Bedford.”
Roving Freelance Fascist
As seen in the famed documentary RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, when the Ark of the Covenant was opened on an uncharted island north of Crete, the burning light that issued thereof reduced the Nazi soldiers present to piles of ash and molten flesh. In time, the rains washed the fascist bio-goo into the island’s sewage system, where it mixed with the shit and piss and used tampons and such, and in time it congealed, took the shape of a man (albeit an unattractive one), slapped on a pair of glasses, and Sebastian Gorka was formed.
Frankly, I Found Beyoncé‘s Speech Wonky and Off-Putting
поздравления, comrades! Operation Jade Helm VIII: Joy Buzzer succeeded beyond our wildest imaginings, and soon, we shall deliver these hapless “United States” into the tan suit-clad arms of our DEI hire and a mere assistant coach! Muah hah hah hah hee hee ho ho hah hah!
Yeah, for four whole days without a single pro wrestler, it went okay, I guess. I understand Melania has already plagiarized Obama’s dick joke for that eulogy she’s been restlessly tinkering with.
It was such an exuberant display of unity for the Coalition of the Decent, from Bernie to Kinzinger and back again, you just know Mike Pence turned to Mother to ask if she thought it would be a good idea to reach out to the Exonerated Five about starting some sort of Guys Donald Trump Tried to Murder euchre league.
It’s a great big beautiful tent, and all are welcome…except the HAW HAW HAW TIM WALZ’S KID HAS EMOTIONS WHATTA CUCK crowd. Y’all have to go to the other tent. I wouldn’t drink the water.
You can’t miss it, it’s the one full of mediocre white dudes pitching fits. It can be hard to tell ‘em apart, so I’ll give you a hand: the runty little weasel screeching that the Obamas are “uppity” is Nick Fuentes, whereas the smug creep with the projectile Dunning–Kruger effect trying to make birtherism happen? That’s Jesse Watters. Just laugh derisively whenever anybody mentions Doritos, and you’ll blend right in.
Aren’t you glad you’re not MAGA? Isn’t it wonderful to possess no desire whatsoever to mock a neurodivergent teenager for (gasp) expressing affection for his father? Fuck it, having seen so many stumble over the lowest imaginable hurdles, I’m gonna strut my basic humanity from here on out. “Yeah, not only did I never make a single Paul Pelosi hammer joke, my body’s sixty percent water! My fingernails grow constantly, and I voted against the wannabe autocrat all three times!”
Still, amidst the positivity and patriotism, I would be remiss in my duties if I failed to note the one demographic explicitly marked for exclusion under a Harris/Walz regime: Rapist, Insurrectionist Game Show Hosts. In a Harris Administration, RIGSH-Americans would be denied their right to engage in their people’s most sacred traditions, from violently overturning the elections they lose, to rape.
Why, mere weeks ago, one of our nation’s leading Rapist, Insurrectionist Game Show Hosts fantasized openly about the crime spree that lay ahead in the wake of the constitutional blank check issued by the Roberts Court; now, he’s been reduced to trolling the wingnut media bubble for television personalities to tag along on his proposed Venezuelan exile.
Even with the polls and forecast models moving in Kamala’s favor, (and I doubt he’s getting an answer he likes from his Mirror Mirror Who’s the Fairest bit, either) you know it’s the massive L in the ratings war that’s reduced him to a blubbering mess, ineffectually mashing the buttons on his phone with those tiny, inadequate fingers, while Fox Nooz hosts insist they can’t talk right now, they’re washing their hair.
Little did the unsuspecting libtards realize their precious convention had been infiltrated by a crack squad of MAGA Mata Haris, led by masters of disguise Matt Walsh and Mike Lindell, who wound up ensnared in one another’s respective honey traps, a tangle of starched flannel and shoddily-manufactured bedding discovered necking in a dumpster behind the Billy Goat Tavern.
(Don’t worry, before departing for his clandestine tryst, Mike obtained permission from the 12-year-old who owned him earlier in the day.)
Well, the once promising RFK Jr. op had devolved into a Wile E. Coyote-esque ratfuck boomerang, so the GOP called Bobby & his Brainworm home. In between bites of the raccoon he ran over on the way to the press conference, the weird sheep of America’s most famous political dynasty offered extended musings on the age at which girls reach puberty, in addition to his endorsement of the Dotard, which’ll look great on the mantel, between Kid Rock’s and Catturd’s.
No wonder these clowns remain so thoroughly flummoxed by Coach Walz’s normcore playbook. The swiftboating revival closed out of town, so the new smear is that he’s a sleeper agent for the Chinese Communist Party, because he got married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, y’see, which admittedly explains the tank-shaped wedding cake bearing down on the petit fours personalized with each guest’s name.
In contrast, walking MAGA monkeypaw JD Vance keeps shambling through a grotesque anti-campaign that’s barely an imploding drummer shy of a Spinal Tap outtake. Looks like all those long hours of Normal Human Donut Ordering prep were for naught, alas, but honestly, who could be expected to navigate such a fraught social interaction without earning a restraining order or two?
Rudy Giuliani and Donnie One-Term himself are “invited guest speakers” at the “J6 Awards Gala” taking place next month at Bedpisser, the tacky golf resort which somehow has yet to be seized by law enforcement. The race for “most damning evidence uploaded to a terrorist’s own social media account” category is particularly competitive this year.
Y’know, there was a time when getting a law degree, representing a domestic terror group, fucking one of the terrorists, and advising the others to destroy evidence ahead of their seditious conspiracy trial was a reliable path to the middle class in this country. As Kellye SoRelle’ll tell ya, those days have gone the way of Mayberry and Crystal Pepsi. (In the distance, a bald eagle caws a mournful caw.)
Now that his buddy Poots sold him out on that whole hostage exchange thing, word is Off-Brand Orbán’s been begging Bibi through back channels to reject any ceasefire deals, because I guess when you’ve got 34 felony convictions with 54 more queued up, what’s a violation of the Logan Act, more or less?
A Trump-appointed federal judge in Kansas was feeling frisky, and decided to invent a constitutional right to own a machine gun. Now, in Federalist No. 10, James Madison talks extensively of the awesomeness of the Grand Theft Auto franchise, so I think this one will hold up on appeal.
House Republicans finally released their sad, flaccid Biden impeachment report, which found exactly zero impeachable offenses, but recommended impeachment anyway, if only for the sake of poor, dumb Jimmy Comer’s mom, who hasn’t had anything to put up on the fridge since that finger painting of a duck driving a bulldozer, which turned out to be stolen from another kid’s cubby.
Well, after federal law enforcement rejected his initial offer of the key to Anthony Devolder’s safety deposit box in Medellín, George Santos pleaded guilty to a couple of felonies, as if any prison could hold him. As for the issue of whether or not he’ll be allowed to sew a fake collar into his jumpsuit, SCOTUS will hear arguments next March.
Hulk Hogan dropped a leg on his public rehabilitation efforts with a drunken, racist rant in which he offered to “body slam” Vice President Harris, no doubt costing himself a speaking slot at the 2028 RNC, and, more importantly, the accompanying 20 dollar gift card to the buffet at the casino slated to host, which was a big part of the Hulkster’s retirement plan.
Maria Bartiromo heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another Texas has been messing around with registering undocumented immigrants to vote, which is, of course, nowhere close to true. Now, if Maria worked for a reputable news organization, she’d be under the gun, possibly even forced to take it on the run, but she doesn’t, so I imagine she’ll keep on ridin’ the storm out. I imagine these REO Speedwagon jokes aren’t landing, so I believe it’s time for me to fly.
Before I sign off, I’d like to welcome the blog’s newest sponsor: meet TRUMPY TROUT, the hot new animatronic male masturbator taking Cult45 by storm! 9 out of 10 incels say “Close enough, although how the fuck would I know?”
Of course, as longtime readers know, Shower Cap’s Blog is actually brought to you by BEER. And while the celebratory beers of August have been far sweeter than the Holy Fuck We’re All Going to Die beers of June, the liquor store still stubbornly insists upon payment.
Make no mistake, I’m prepared to turn to a life of crime if necessary, but relying upon the kind generosity of the readership seems safer. The tip jar now accepts Venmo, PayPal AND Cash App, so pick yer poison. And as ever, sharing this post on social media, following @john_luzar, and signing up on the email list at are free! Stay safe out there, me hearties…
P.S., I think we should all just act like Beyoncé did show up, and put on a killer show. We’re allowed to gaslight them for a change. Just say Elon blocked it because she made up a little impromptu song about all the money he lost on Twitter.
I like the REO jokes!
But the trouty trump is rhe stuff of nightmares…anyway, it was a very good week for us Dems
Thanks, Cap, for another week of great gags-n-jokes! I especially enjoyed the entire paragraph dedicated to REO Speedwagon and look forward to your take on next week’s sure-to-be insane hijinks!
Trumpy Trout. Is that a cheap substitute for incels who would rather nave a Vancey Couch? Asking for a friend’s brother…
So, Beer. Ya wants beer, ya say? After you used pleaded instead of pled??? Lordy that grates on my 70 year old left deaf ear! 15 years ago, NO one said or wrote pleaded because everyone knew the correct word was pled. WTF happened to my language? I didn’t give it permission to change! And uh….::looks around, looks a tad sheepish…turns off tantrum, mostly:: soooo….
Beer, we were talking about beer. If this was an English class, I would dock you one beer, but it isn’t, sooo….when I get paid next, I will pass a bit along… but please…it’s pled…pleeeeease! In the spirit of joy and harmony and being a blogger for all the people and putting uh, um. Something. before personal preferences when there is apparently another perfectly good choice ..please? ::offers best cheesey grin::
My Captain!
Woohoo, that feeling when the sliver ejects itself from my finger, when the sand works its way out of my eyeball, when the broomstick is pulled from my …memory? What a week!
I especially liked the Wile E. Coyote-esque Ratfuck Boomerang, (yuge fan of Acme products in general! My favorite? The portable hole!), although the ‘walking MAGA monkey paw JD Vance’ is right up there with your very best snark!
After all this time it is so good to laugh out loud again, instead of the nervous WTFWT? giggle I’ve often been reduced to these past nine or so years. Seems the gen pop is starting to grok the memo…the GOP et al is as far out there as Voyager 1.
Quick note, pleaded is the proper English past tense of plead though it do tend to grate on the Murican ear! (Got graded down a half point on this one once.)
Enjoy the duds my friend, as for me it’s THC, ooh I can hear it calling me! 😆
After this incredible DNC week, this was, of course, a worthy-of-it blog. I was laughing and nodding along until I got to “…the once promising RFK Jr. op had devolved into a Wile E. Coyote-esque ratfuck boomerang, so the GOP called Bobby & his Brainworm home. In between bites of the raccoon he ran over on the way to the press conference,…”where I nearly fell out of my chair LMFAO. This was where you shifted into high gear and the entire remainder of it was great!
To commenter Joni above- Hi there! I’m your age and have been asking myself that same question for years, you know, the one about What happened to our language? Being realistic, it’s not like even everyone of our generation excelled at it, either!
Cap, it won’t be a copious amount, but beer’s on the way. Understand that you have to be stingy with SS, especially if it’s the only income you have. Love to you and keep up the fantastic work!
I second this. “Pleaded” sounds uneducated. Don’t get me started on “irregardless”.
Trumpy Trout. 9 out of 10 say close enough, but then how would they know? Sad isn’t it? I can’t imagine what a Trumpy Trout actually looks like, but then maybe Donut McCouchfck would know. 🍻
‘Now, if Maria worked for a reputable news organization, she’d be under the gun, possibly even forced to take it on the run, but she doesn’t, so I imagine she’ll keep on ridin’ the storm out. I imagine these REO Speedwagon jokes aren’t landing, so I believe it’s time for me to fly.’
You are of a certain age.
The tank shaped wedding cake!! The Trumpy Trout!!🤣🤣🤣 I’m cracking up before 9 am! Thanks Cap 🥰
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Cap. What a wonderful recalling of the past week. It was fun, wasn’t it. As usual you did a great job of retelling. I’ll be chuckling all morning.
As usual, outstanding!
Love me some REO Speedwagon…the DNC had way better tunes.
Cap! Have you heard of Minocqua Brewing Co. as a source for your beer? I won’t include a link, since I don’t want anyone to think I’m shilling for them in a redirect, but they are a cool business in danger of being shut down several dozen times (sequentially) solely because they’re the only spot of Blue hope in a deeply red town in Wisconsin, and openly slap all sorts of wonderful progressive-themed labels on their product (and offer stickers and other merch, too!).
I actually cant vouch for their product personally, since while I have no problem indulging other folks’ vices (as long as they don’t include destroying our nearly 250-year-old democracy), I’m not actually into beer myself, though I can go for a good malt liquor or Belgian ale (not fond of hops, sorry).
(Actually, I’m more into mead, and there are American breweries [whoops, meaderies] for that. Skaal! ;-D)