American Madness Journal

Your FACE is an Anarchist Jurisdiction, and Other Tales of Fascism

Your FACE is an Anarchist Jurisdiction, and Other Tales of Fascism

 So, the shitstorm refused to abate even long enough to let us grieve. We didn’t really expect it to. And we’re tired, sure, but we’re battle-hardened by now. Fascism relies on overwhelming the populace, pelting us with turd upon turd until we’re so worn down and...

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Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK, Fucking Fuck, and Other News

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK, Fucking Fuck, and Other News

 You ever find yourself watching the news, and suddenly wondering if somebody maybe gave Jake Tapper some bad acid and replaced his notes with long-lost outtakes from Naked Lunch? It can’t be just me. One of the ways we know we’re in Hell, like the Hell, and not just...

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RNC Week in Hell: Who Knew American Carnage Could Be So Boring?

RNC Week in Hell: Who Knew American Carnage Could Be So Boring?

 Life has been grating and unpleasant for quite some time now, so whoever decided we needed a solid week of the drooliest maniacs in the world, reciting their Mad-Max-by-way-of-Tucker-Carlson’s-White-Power-Hour fanfic, mid-meth overdose, in prime time...that was a bad...

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Shitty Evita and Other RNC Lunatics

Shitty Evita and Other RNC Lunatics

 Look, I’m not saying quarantine is getting to me, but lately I’ve taken to writing EAT ME on everything in the fridge, because at some point, something has to make me magically grow right out of Shitty Wonderland, and I’ll wake up safe in my bed, right? RIGHT? C’mon,...

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Civil War II: The One Over the Post Office?

Civil War II: The One Over the Post Office?

 Oh wow, things sure are zany these days. Zany zany zany. There’s this zany fascist destroying American democracy from the inside out, which is totally wacky and not at all terrifying. Well, I sure hope I’m not living through the Constitution’s dying days ha ha ha...

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Endless, Inescapable American Carnage: It Is What It Is.

Endless, Inescapable American Carnage: It Is What It Is.

 Welp, pretty normal day, honestly. Of course, lately “normal” means “a complete and total failure of government has left the United States utterly paralyzed before a pandemic much of the rest of the world has contained, also there’s a debate about whether or not to...

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Welp, Guess We’re Talking About Demon Spooj Today.

Welp, Guess We’re Talking About Demon Spooj Today.

 I really don’t understand how we got here, friends. I think one overlooked possibility is that somebody found a magic lamp and wanted to see what it would look like if Gordon Gekko sold Wonderland to the shittiest people he knew. I’m certainly open to other theories,...

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Fascist Idiots Fuck Up Literally Everything, Part LXXXVII

Fascist Idiots Fuck Up Literally Everything, Part LXXXVII

 Hey there, Resisters, hope the federal government hasn’t abducted you into an unmarked van, but if they have, I hope you’re getting good enough reception in there to read my shit. Things’re just gonna keep getting crazier and crazier out here, so you may be better...

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Joni Hates Tommy, and Other Underappreciated Happy Days Spinoffs

Joni Hates Tommy, and Other Underappreciated Happy Days Spinoffs

  I hope your Halloween was as adorable as mine. All the neighborhood children dressed up as the House Republican Conference and played a musical chairs variant called “leadership election,” where the kid left standing became the “speaker-designate” and got...

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Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye

Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye

There once was a boy called Kevin McSomething, who ventured out into the world, looking to swap his soul for something shiny and hollow. The old witch who lived in the dumpster in back of the abandoned Blockbuster Video offered him half a pack of stale cookie dough...

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Shower Cap Blog
Your FACE is an Anarchist Jurisdiction, and Other Tales of Fascism
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK, Fucking Fuck, and Other News
Coronavirus, Michael Caputo, & Other Things That Are Trying to Kill Us All
This Week in Hell: Woodward and Whistleblowing and…Joe Lieberman Was There
America Went to Sturgis and All We Got Was This Lousy Nationwide Covid Outbreak
Trump 2020: Mass Pandemic Graves, Economic Carnage, Also I Hate the Troops
Abort, My Antifa Comrades! Operation: Bags of Soup Has Been Compromised!
RNC Week in Hell: Who Knew American Carnage Could Be So Boring?
Shitty Evita and Other RNC Lunatics
If Anyone Needs Me, I’ll Be Living Vicariously Through the Post Office Agents That Busted Bannon
It’s the MyPillow Guy’s World, We’re Just Begging God for Sweet Release From It
Civil War II: The One Over the Post Office?
Kamala Harris Provides Welcome Relief From an Otherwise Butthole-Heavy News Cycle
We Have Always been at War With Thighland; Joe Biden Has Always Been at War With God
Endless, Inescapable American Carnage: It Is What It Is.
The One Where We Learned Jared Kushner Was Cool With COVID-19 Killing People in Blue States
Welp, Guess We’re Talking About Demon Spooj Today.
Person! Woman! Man! Camera! TV! Five Words to Say While They Drag You Away!
Fascist Idiots Fuck Up Literally Everything, Part LXXXVII
This Week in Hell: Oh, Everything’s Basically Fine. I Could Nitpick, I Guess.
Joni Hates Tommy, and Other Underappreciated Happy Days Spinoffs
Congratulations to Mike Johnson, America’s 56th and Creepiest House Speaker
Jim Jordan is the Michael Jordan of Not Getting Elected Speaker
Congratulations, Speaker Scal- Excuse Me, Speaker Jord- Y’know What? Screw It.
Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye
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