Der Postmeister Postmaster General
Donald Trump had a problem. A problem called “democracy.” See, he LIKED being President, (well, not the work part, but definitely charging the Secret Service to pee) but those rat-bastard Founding Fathers built all these dumb ol’ “elections” into their dumb ol’ “Constitution,” and smack dab in the middle of an economy you personally wrecked and a pandemic you disastrously mismanaged is nobody’s idea of a great time for a performance review.
Pigfucker Multipurpose Trump Tool
Devin “Pigfucker” Nunes was an early adopter of Donald Trump’s unique blend of authoritarianism and kakistocracy, and it’s not hard to understand why; it takes a whole lotta institutional white supremacy to keep men so maliciously mediocre in positions of power.
Wrinkly Gamera Breaker of Senates
There is no greater proof that the Republican base has no goddamn sense than Mitch McConnell’s consistently dismal approval rating from voters of his own party; the man is absolute ghoul, yes, and certainly he projects little folksy warmth, but he puts Ws on the board. Big ones. More than anybody I’ve ever seen.
Reichskommissar Floridaman Death Cult Reality Show Competitor/Actual Fucking Governor
One of Trump’s earliest congressional taint remoras, Ron DeSantis rode a wave of I’m With Stupid first to the Florida GOP’s 2018 gubernatorial nomination, and then, because learning from mistakes is apparently for cucks, to a narrow general election victory.
Liar Tuck Middling Telefascist
To level with y’all up front, I think Tucker Carlson is the most dangerous man in America. He’s the mouth of American fascism, and Donald Trump’s unofficial Chief Disinformation Dispenser, and, ultimately, a manufacturer of brownshirts.
The Vainglorious MTG Actual Fucking Congresswoman, Heaven Help Us
Take an unusually weak mind, surgically remove evolution’s hard-won capacity to tell fact from fiction, fill the empty spaces with hate, and you’ve got Marjorie Taylor Greene. Drop that mind in the middle of the I-know-we’re-not-supposed-to-dismiss-MAGA-whites-as-racist-hillbillies-but-COME-ON shithole known as the Georgia 14th, and you’ve got the dumbest, most malicious member of the United States Congress, and ascendant American fascism’s loudest, vilest mouth.
Incesto, the Treasonous Clown Freelance Legal Idiot
When Rudy Giuliani, having just chugged a bottle of methamphetamine-laced NyQuil, stumbled onstage to deliver his apocalyptic sermon of fear at the 2016 Republican Nation Convention, you knew something was deeply fucked in this country.
Mike Pence is the Patron Saint of Mediocre White Dudes, and the Roman God of Failing Upwards.
A Democrat in his youth, Pence, like many men of limited intelligence, turned to religious conservatism for the convenience of being able to end arguments by claiming God shares his every fear and prejudice, while forgiving his every shortcoming, how convenient.
Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo is one of those performatively pious fake Christians who loves using his loudly-claimed-but-seldom-followed faith like a cudgel while ignoring every single word of the actual Bible, including “and” and “the.”
Secretary of State
Over the course of three decades, Rex Tillerson fucked, bribed, and murdered his way to the top of Exxon Mobil, like some sort of jowlsy Eva Peron.
Attorney General
William Barr actually taught me a valuable lesson. See, I didn’t look too closely at Bill when he was nominated to be Attorney General. After Jeff “Too Racist for the 80’s” Sessions and the masculine toilet guy, honestly, he looked like a nice, refreshing, safe, traditional Republican. An institutionalist who could bring a little much-needed stability.
And then he turned out to be a fascist, and one of the most dangerous enemies of democracy in American history. Whoops. My bad.
Secretary of the Treasury
Steve Mnuchin, like his namesake, the Noise You Make When You’re Dry Heaving After Getting Food Poisoning From Eating Truck Stop Gas Station Roller Hot Pockets on a Road Trip, is deeply unpleasant, and may result in the involuntary voiding of foul-smelling bodily fluids.
Secretary of Defense
Chief of Staff
National Security Advisor
Holy shit, there are Generals all over the place these days, aren’t there?
Retired General James Mattis serves as Secretary of Defense. Retired General John Kelly ran Homeland Security for a bit, before becoming the Lead Executive Branch Babysitter, excuse me, Chief of Staff. H.R. McMaster’s the National Security Advisor, and hell, he’s still on active duty.
OL’ BEAUREGARD The President's Loyal Huntin' Dawg
Attorney General
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, third generation of his family to carry the name of a Confedarate piece of trash and also a second Confederate piece of trash, is living his dream. As Velveeta Goebbels’ Attorney General, he’s turning back the clock to a time when women and minorities knew their place, and mediocre white dudes like himself got to run everything, even if they weren’t especially bright.
Ryan Zinke is like if the crappiest robot in Westworld escaped and jumped into conservative politics. He’s such a cartoon cowboy, I bet his right boot says “Andy” on the bottom.
Secretary of Commerce
When a witch’s curse transformed his master into a Beast and his fellow servants into household objects, Wilbur Ross became a decorative garden gnome. Unlike the rest of his compatriots, he ventured out into the world to make his fortune in the realm of shady international finance and money laundering, and when True Love’s Kiss lifted the curse, Wilbur was too far away for the enchantment to reverse, and thus he remains trapped in gnome form forever.
Secretary of Health and Human Services
If the Hippocratic Oath is binding in any sort of spiritual sense, Tom Price is royally fucked, y’all. There is some straight Dante shit awaitin’ him in the afterlife.
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Dr. Ben Carson is only in politics because he was rude President Obama to his face. At the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast, a traditionally non-political event, Dr. Ben, having been invited as the keynote speaker, decided to use his time to shit on the President and his policies.
Secretary of Education
Betsy DeVos is what happens when bored white ladies have enough money to really fuck shit up. Turns out, if you’re born rich and marry richer, you don’t have to settle for a book club, you can buy yourself a whole cabinet department!
Administrator of the EPA
Scott Pruitt, like a lot of boys his age, grew up watching Captain Planet cartoons. Unlike most boys his age, he decided that the various sludge-smog-and-toxic-waste-slinging villains were the role models for him.
Ok, fine. Pruitt is ten years too old to have grown up on Captain Planet, but fuck you, that’s a good opening paragraph. Make your own fucking website, you don’t like it.
Chief of Staff
Nobody wants to be Reince Priebus when they grow up. He’s just so immediately recognizable as a weaselly little tapeworm of a man, y’know?
Reince Priebus is the sort of person who would be played by Brad Dourif in a film.
Chief Strategist
Steve Bannon played Bob Ewell in a high school production of To Kill a Mockingbird, and liked it so much he decided to stay in the character for the rest of his life.
A self-described Leninist, and an outspoken populist*, Bannon wants to kidney-punch the administrative state, give it a wedgie, and steal its lunch money.
Senior Advisor/Son-in-Law
Jared Kushner was born on third base and thinks he invented baseball.
Jared’s dad, Charles Kushner, went to jail for tax evasion, illegal campaign donations, and, ahem, “witness tampering,” by which I mean he set his brother-in-law up with a hooker (not, I’m sad to report, of the Pissing Russian variety) and recorded their genital-smushing in order to blackmail him.
Daddy’s Little Girl
Ivanka Trump is what happens when you cross Gwyneth Paltrow with Mussolini’s dumbest, laziest aide-de-camp. Watching her try to sell her father’s fascism as some sort of pro-woman lifestyle brand, marketed in the sickliest imaginable shade of pink, has been one of the most bizarre subplots of this nightmare we can’t seem to pinch ourselves out of.
First Lady
So, while Melania Trump is perhaps not as shitty as many of the crooks, Nazis, and Nazi crooks who inhabit her dirtbag husband’s world, she manages to impressively shitty in her own right.
Senior Counsel
Hey, Kellyaaaaaaaaaaaanne!
Hey, Kellyaaaaaaaaaaaanne!
When you worked for Akin, things weren’t simple
Cuz he got caught on tape
With legitimate rape
Senior Advisor for Policy
Why is it always the shittiest imaginable white dudes who turn out to be white supremacists?
Stephen Miller, who started balding eleven seconds after his conception, has by all accounts been a sack of monkey shit pretty much every single minute of his life.
Director of Communications
Oh wow, this new Communications Director looks like a real character, huh?
Where to begin? Ok, Anthony Scaramucci first came to –
Wait, what? Really?
White Supremacist Multi-Tool
Kris Kobach is like the protagonist of the white supremacist version of one of those Disney movies where a kid learns to chase his dreams, no matter how big. The kid gets tired of the monotonous grind of burning crosses on just one lawn at a time, and dreams of burning a cross big enough for the whole dang country!
Maybe he has a talking/singing Confederate flag for a sidekick. Named “Bedford.”
Roving Freelance Fascist
As seen in the famed documentary RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, when the Ark of the Covenant was opened on an uncharted island north of Crete, the burning light that issued thereof reduced the Nazi soldiers present to piles of ash and molten flesh. In time, the rains washed the fascist bio-goo into the island’s sewage system, where it mixed with the shit and piss and used tampons and such, and in time it congealed, took the shape of a man (albeit an unattractive one), slapped on a pair of glasses, and Sebastian Gorka was formed.
Just Past Halloween, Trump Has Already Turned on His Own Fucking Son-in-Law
Well folks, Halloween has come and gone, so why does reading the news still feel like I’ve been locked in the Funhouse Hall of Mirrors with nothing but NyQuil and moldy pumpernickel to subsist on?
Before we get started, don’t forget the OBAMACARE OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD started today! Your government doesn’t want anybody to know that. Your government would prefer you died like the Taker Scum you know you are than giving you the health insurance you’re entitled to, because you see a black guy told a joke about Donald Trump this one time.
So it’s on US, Resisters. We need to replace all the advertising and word-spreading that our distressingly bloodthirsty government refuses to do. So get your asses on social media, and let everybody know about that sweet sweet health insurance that’s batting its eyes in the corner, all coquettishly, at the millions of Americans who’re entitled to it. Health Insurance, you SLUT.
As you all know, New York was the site of a horrifying terror attack. Your average, run-of-the-mill President might give a rousing, unifying speech, about how strong, decent, and loving Americans are, how these cowardly acts will not defeat us…but not Government Cheese Goebbels.
No, he wants to rant about how Chuck Schumer personally smuggled the terrorist into the country in the trunk of his hybrid (CUCK), nursed him to adulthood on a diet of jihadist propaganda and SpaghettiOs, and finally turned him loose wearing a suit made entirely from I’m With Her bumper stickers.
(Later in the day, some of the frothier nutcases on the right came at Jake Tapper for daring to suggest that maybe not all Muslims are evil, but Diet Rambo was NOT HAVIN’ THAT SHIT.)
Anyway, these days the national discourse seems to revolve around whether or not the Civil War was really about race and slavery, or just the inability of good ol’ boys to sit down over mint juleps and a friendly game of Jenga to hammer out a friendly compromise on whether or not human beings could be property. IT’S LIKE 1855 BUT WITH MINECRAFT!
Papa John came out against free speech today, because EVEN PIZZA IS AN ASSHOLE NOW. I guess American Fascism has an official fast food sponsor, that’s nifty. Maybe they can start making kids meals, with little personal pizzas that come with a talking action figure of the Texans owner referring to his players as “inmates.”
And of course we’re still rolling around in the aftermath of Manic Monday* like gleeful puppies frolicking through leaf piles, because goddammit, we deserve a little good news.
It is one of the great pleasures of my life, witnessing Shart Garfunkel’s craven media enablers desperately, pathetically trying to spin this as anything other than jackhammer-to-the nutsack news for the administration. (Sean Hannity’s descent into madness has permanently replaced pornography for me.)
“C’mon, this is Paul Manafort’s problem! Ok, so the President hired a career criminal, an unregistered foreign agent, to manage his campaign, & the dude was laundering money for Putin Pals the whole time, but there’s nothing in there about collusion!”
Really? A money launderer running the campaign? That’s something y’all’re just totally down with now?
Ok, what Poopaderpaderp? The guy who literally confesses to collusion, and implicates multiple high-ranking campaign personnel as well?
“Oh, he was hardly involved in the camp-”
NOPE. Looka here. Also here.
It’d be funny, if it all wasn’t done in service to protecting traitors.
Getting back to Papadoobedoo, you know everyone’s least favorite racist Keebler elf, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, spent this week hiding in his office, quietly crapping frosting into whatever freaky religious undergarment he wears. See, we keep learning more and more about Ol’ Beauregard’s ties with young Georgie, and the magic 8-ball says “You’re rather spectacularly fucked, Jeff.”
Did Perpawalkywalk have a little talky talk with Sessions while wired, and swap it for his cushy plea deal? I don’t know, but I’ll tell ya what, folks: I really, REALLY want that. I don’t know why I hate Sessions more than any of the other fucks in this cheap goon cabal, but I really fucking do.
And y’know what else I want? I want to see Sessions sent to one of these private prisons he’s been oh-so-eagerly filling up with undocumented immigrants and non-violent drug offenders. He’s so eager to ratchet up the Justice Department’s role in jackbooted institutional white supremacy? Fuck you, Jeff, I bet they can spare a cot for a traitor.
And I’m placing a 30-cigarette bounty on each of his dopey ears, when that day comes.
Somehow Paul Manafort found himself in even deeper shit today, as the Ukrainian government (You know the one. The one Putin doesn’t like. The one whose enemies Paul Manafort worked for.) is all “Fuck YES y’all can have everything we’ve dug up on that Rectal Tumor of a Human Being!”
I guess Manafort surrendered not one, but THREE passports before reporting for house arrest, which is pretty typical of people who aren’t in the habit of committing international financial crimes, right?
We’re told Manafort frequently travelled under false names, among them Madame Penelope Grundle, mysterious dowager Countess, a famously poor baccarat player known for soliciting foot massages from Southern Europe’s most eligible bachelors. (Manafort turns out to be surprisingly fetching under the appropriate wig, particularly once he’s applied a beauty mark.)
The GOP, meanwhile, refuses to pass legislation protecting the Mueller investigation. Bob Corker’s all, “He’s not batshit enough to fire Mueller,” apparently forgetting that the fuckhead SET THE WHOLE FUCKING INVESTIGATION OFF IN THE FIRST PLACE BY FIRING JIM COMEY FOR REFUSING TO PLEDGE LOYALTY.
I never knew this, but it turns out one of my favorite things about all the previous Presidents of my lifetime is how they never referred to the entire American justice system as a “joke” or a “laughingstock.” I guess my fifth grade civics class didn’t adequately prepare me for 2017’s rapidly-plummeting standards.
Oh, and speaking of Levels of Depravity You Never Imagined an American President Could Possibly Sink To, I guess the Marmalade Shartcannon’s lawyers are saying that slandering the women who’ve accused him of sexual assault is constitutionally protected free speech.
Sure, whatever. At this point, I just need Al Franken to bring that up at the impeachment trial, just in passing.
Scott Pruitt continues purging the EPA of scientists, because if you think science is a real thing, that means you have a “conflict of interest,” unlike the noble avatars of impartiality he’s replacing them with; fossil fuel company lobbyists.
And just to show everyone how serious the Shart House is about the whole Science is For Cucks initiative, wooooo doggie, get a load of the asspimple they’re trying to push through to run NASA!
What next? Maybe they’ll name Gallagher Chief of Staff at Walter Reed? Maybe the next Surgeon General will just be a waffle. That last Eggo waffle, freezerburned and forgotten underneath that one Trader Joe’s Chicken Tikka Marsala box you bought when you were feeling adventurous.
(Just to cleanse the palate, let me offer you this profile of Betsy DeVos, focusing on what a hamfisted fuckup she is. Feel better?)
(But then, if you want to swing back in the other direction, here’s a Mother Jones piece that shows just how deep in the derp our government really is. HOLY BALLS, DUDE.)
We got a look at some of the ads the Russkies unleashed on our dumbass electorate last year. Everything from race-baiting to arm-wrasslin’ Jesus to color-your-own-sexxxy-Bernie to Here’s Hillary Shitting on a Veteran’s Grave While Giving Bin Laden a Hand Job, because, as I keep saying, Russia figured out how to weaponize our most prominent natural resource: morons.
Going microlocal, gather ye ’round to hear the tale of this shitty little white girl who poisoned her black roommate and got expelled and now faces hate crimes charges. Is America great again yet?
Mexico’s former ambassador to the U.S. says the State Department’s protocol urges diplomats to steer people to Orange Julius Caesar’s shitty, gaudy, hotels. Got that? Low-T Rex doesn’t think we need a sanctions office, but helpin’ out Boss Shart with his petty grift is official policy.
And of course the Feral Jackasses in the House Republican Caucus continue bumbling through the construction of their tax “reform” bill, like stoned chimpanzees trying to put the Mousetrap board game together.
What’s in it? Who the fuck knows? Not the Republican Party, a day or so before unveiling it, certainly. Rumors abound. Will it casually repeal the individual mandate, sending health insurance markets into an entirely predictable, economy-crushing death spiral? Will it cap tax-deductible contributions to 401(K) plans just so Charlie Koch can have his scrotum gilded?
Greg Gianforte chews absentmindedly at the cabbage patch doll has colleagues dressed up as a reporter to funnel his rage in less self-destructive directions. Steve King sits in the courier, raving about cantaloupes. Jim Jordan…is an asshole.
And of course the Man With Phalangeal Stunting is down in the trenches, personally working out the minute details of the bill, balancing the needs of the various stakeholders with the deftness of a master legislator, sort of like Lyndon-Johnson-as-played-by-the-Rock.
Hah hah just kidding, he doesn’t even know what the fucking bill does. His contribution apparently comes down to wanting to call the legislation the “Cut Cut Cut” bill, because…I guess this “branding genius” doesn’t have a lot left in the tank after “let’s name it after me.”
Seen this Vanity Fair piece? This is the best 36-leaker-sourced-portrait-of-a-dickless-tyrant-in-meltdown article since the heady days of the Priebus era. Not even a year in, Dorito Mussolini’s already turning on his fucking FAMILY.
And of course Steve Bannon, that Pockmarked Grima Wormtongue, counsels his old boss to dig a trench around the Resolute Desk, declare himself Emperor for Life, and turn as much of America into Kurtz’s camp as he can get away with.
Just for fun, let’s check in on the new poll that says 59% of Americans call these shitty days “the lowest point in the nation’s history that they can remember.”
Jesus Fuck, polling’s taken a dark turn of late, huh? Fuck it, let’s keep digging. Let’s find out how many hours daily the Average American spends gazing into the Abyss, and what percentage report the Abyss gazing back. How many people find Guernica a comparatively cheerful painting when placed alongside the morning’s print edition of the Washington Post?
*Donnie wishes it were a Sunday. That’s his Golf Day. Well, the second consecutive one.