American Madness Journal

Losing Just Hurts More From Behind a Comically Small Desk

Losing Just Hurts More From Behind a Comically Small Desk

 Well, I trust everyone enjoyed their long holiday weekend, and gave thanks for the extremely amusing ongoing downfall of one Donald John Trump, until recently the President of the United States, now merely an aesthetically displeasing perpetual motion losing machine....

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Lindsey Graham and Other Naughty Would-Be Autocrats

Lindsey Graham and Other Naughty Would-Be Autocrats

 Greetings from the purgatorial asylum we are calling...the Transition. All this mad, wacky, falling action is interesting enough, I suppose, in a Seriously Fiction Just Fucking TRY to Top This Shit sort of way, but if we could skip to the part where we all get to...

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Spread My Ashes at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Dammit!

Spread My Ashes at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Dammit!

 Forgive me if I’m a little off my game tonight, friends; I just feel a bit...I dunno, it’s hard to describe. It’s a vaguely familiar sensation, but I can’t quite place it. It isn’t dread, or disgust, or outrage, or any of the negative emotions one simply accepts as...

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Flushing Day is Upon Us At Last! Oh Joy! Oh Rapture!

Flushing Day is Upon Us At Last! Oh Joy! Oh Rapture!

 Well, my antifa comrades, I can scarcely believe the day has finally arrived. Operation: Jade Helm has entered its final stages, and the destruction of the suburbs is imminent. Time to see what this coalition, forged by four years of relentless Resistance, can do....

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Election Week in Hell: An Expectedly Butthole-Heavy News Cycle

Election Week in Hell: An Expectedly Butthole-Heavy News Cycle

 Ah, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! No doubt you’re enjoying your frantic doomscrolling, your increasingly nuanced opinions on individual pollsters, and the mocking striptease of the calendar, peeling off those last few pages, as we await our fate. I’ll cut...

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Goody Higgins is a Witch, and Other Tales of Republican Madness

Goody Higgins is a Witch, and Other Tales of Republican Madness

 So, everything is, obviously, still largely insane, but, I’s starting to feel like maybe we’re near the end of the detox scene in Trainspotting? Like, we got through the baby-on-the-ceiling part, and maybe we’re finally approaching a point when life will...

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Plague, Voter Suppression, and Willard Romney’s Thoughts on Tone

Plague, Voter Suppression, and Willard Romney’s Thoughts on Tone

 October, 2020. I never thought it would actually come. Things are fairly insane, as we knew they’d be, but I admit I’m pleasantly surprised by the relative lack of signs which could be construed as compatible with the End Times mythology of any major world religion....

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This Week in Hell: Idiot White Men and the World They’re Ruining

This Week in Hell: Idiot White Men and the World They’re Ruining

 It’s weird to be so confined, so solitary and stationary, while this mad age whizzes by on the screens of our little devices. It’s like being trapped, barefoot, on a treadmill made of sewage and broken glass that we can never, ever, ever, ever shut off. Yup yup,...

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Your FACE is an Anarchist Jurisdiction, and Other Tales of Fascism

Your FACE is an Anarchist Jurisdiction, and Other Tales of Fascism

 So, the shitstorm refused to abate even long enough to let us grieve. We didn’t really expect it to. And we’re tired, sure, but we’re battle-hardened by now. Fascism relies on overwhelming the populace, pelting us with turd upon turd until we’re so worn down and...

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Keville Chamberlain’s Last Surrender

Keville Chamberlain’s Last Surrender

I’m willing to admit I may’ve overstated the dangers of a second Trump term. He’ll only be a dictator on “day one?” Shoot, that’s not so bad. We should all get twenty-four hours of tyranny, don’tcha think? On mine, we’re gonna round up everybody who holds up the line...

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Vape Pens & Poop Maps & Pie, Oh My!

Vape Pens & Poop Maps & Pie, Oh My!

  Probably the most disappointing thing about the Trump era is the way it proves we’ll never figure out time travel. Think about it, you wouldn’t’ve been able to step outside for a gas station hot dog in 2016 without encountering a dozen wild-eyed dudes in Pod...

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Ghost Buses and Kidney Punches: America is Finally Great Again

Ghost Buses and Kidney Punches: America is Finally Great Again

  Greetings fellow vermin! Say, is it just me, or is it gettin’ kinda fashy in here? Cuz that kooky Republican frontrunner simply refuses to stop talking like Hitler, and speaking as one of the “radical left thugs” whose “entire existence will be crushed when...

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Election Day is When MAGA Does What They Do Best

Election Day is When MAGA Does What They Do Best

Well, my efforts to escape into an alternate reality where James Comey kept his ego in check have yet to bear fruit, so I suppose I may as well chronicle the insanity in this one. Where I’m trapped. With the dumbest, craziest, shittiest motherfuckers in human history....

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Joni Hates Tommy, and Other Underappreciated Happy Days Spinoffs

Joni Hates Tommy, and Other Underappreciated Happy Days Spinoffs

  I hope your Halloween was as adorable as mine. All the neighborhood children dressed up as the House Republican Conference and played a musical chairs variant called “leadership election,” where the kid left standing became the “speaker-designate” and got...

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Shower Cap Blog
Losing Just Hurts More From Behind a Comically Small Desk
All This Creeping Normalcy, It’s Like We’re Still in Hell, But There’s Cake Now
Everybody Enjoying This Sad, Silly Coup? Living in History Sure is Dumb.
Lindsey Graham and Other Naughty Would-Be Autocrats
Watching Donald Trump Lose, Over & Over Again, in Slow Motion, Isn’t the Worst Thing
Spread My Ashes at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Dammit!
On the Eve of (CALL IT ALREADY, KORNACKI, YOU BASTARD) Victory, I’d Like to Say Thanks
Flushing Day is Upon Us At Last! Oh Joy! Oh Rapture!
Election Week in Hell: An Expectedly Butthole-Heavy News Cycle
Despotism, Defeat, Disease and Death: As a Closing Argument, It’s…Unconventional
Goody Higgins is a Witch, and Other Tales of Republican Madness
I Mean Yeah, If I Fucked Up This Bad, I’d Rather Talk About Hunter Biden, Too.
In the Future, the Word “Giuliani” Will Mean “A Humiliating Public Breakdown During Which One Betrays One’s Country”
Plague, Voter Suppression, and Willard Romney’s Thoughts on Tone
This Week in Hell: Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and Other Diseased Rats
Everything Still Sucks, But at Least the Worst People Alive Are Getting COVID
This Week in Hell: Kinda Quiet. Might Rain. I Hear Something Happened to That Trump Boy With the Odd Haircut
Old Bastard Probably Shits His Way Through $750 Worth of Taxpayer-Funded Diapers Every Week
This Week in Hell: Idiot White Men and the World They’re Ruining
Your FACE is an Anarchist Jurisdiction, and Other Tales of Fascism
Keville Chamberlain’s Last Surrender
Vape Pens & Poop Maps & Pie, Oh My!
Ghost Buses and Kidney Punches: America is Finally Great Again
Election Day is When MAGA Does What They Do Best
Joni Hates Tommy, and Other Underappreciated Happy Days Spinoffs
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