American Madness Journal

Oh, the Sharts You Can Shart, and Other Cancelled Dr. Seuss Books

Oh, the Sharts You Can Shart, and Other Cancelled Dr. Seuss Books

 Look, I certainly appreciate that the poo-flinging howler monkeys are no longer in charge. And I realize that it is not reasonable at this relatively early point in time to expect a political environment in which zero poo is flung at me by zero howler monkeys, but...

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Sewage Dunk Tank With Ted Cruz Week is the Best Week

Sewage Dunk Tank With Ted Cruz Week is the Best Week

 Well, I don’t know about y’all, but I was just thinking that after an entire year of soul-crushing quarantine, what I really needed was a prolonged period of even more intense isolation, ideally brought about by an extreme weather event, because my life wasn’t quite...

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This Week in Hell: Everything is Stupid and Dangerous and I Hate It

This Week in Hell: Everything is Stupid and Dangerous and I Hate It

 I spend way too much time these days watching choosy Republicans choose fascism, for reasons that are awful and terrifying, of course, but also SO FUCKING DUMB. Like, I get the authoritarianism thing, but wouldn’t you rather be ground beneath the jackboot of a despot...

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Is Josh Hawley America’s Next Top Fascist? Tune in to Find Out!

Is Josh Hawley America’s Next Top Fascist? Tune in to Find Out!

 Ah, who doesn’t love the promise of a brand new year, particularly one in which the likelihood of the American President tear-gassing peaceful protesters in front of the White House is set to drop so dramatically? ‘Course, you knew 2020 wasn’t gonna let us go without...

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Xmas Week in Hell: Still Awful and Stupid, Just Colder

Xmas Week in Hell: Still Awful and Stupid, Just Colder

 Only thing I asked Santa for this year was for Xmas to bring me one day closer to Joe n’ Kamala’s inauguration, and I got that, wrapped tastefully, with a bow I can reuse next year and everything, but it must be noted, my stocking was filled with the same smoldering...

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Please! No More Winning! It’s Like a Goddamn Kesha Song in Here!

Please! No More Winning! It’s Like a Goddamn Kesha Song in Here!

 Look, I didn’t expect things to be totally back to normal by now; that’s obviously not a reasonable ask. At the same time, I feel as though we all expected the promised reduction in the daily delirium levels to have kicked in by now, instead we’re still stuck in...

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“We’re All Mad Here,” the Georgia GOP’s New Motto

“We’re All Mad Here,” the Georgia GOP’s New Motto

 Ah, another wondrous, fun-filled week, trapped in America with an idiot death cult hellbent on playing chicken with objective reality. You can check out any time you like, but...well, you know. I’m not gonna lie, the winning has been spectacular, but watching the...

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Rapist Demands Immunity, Presidency

Rapist Demands Immunity, Presidency

What we need is a new word, yes, probably a German one, that would mean “laugh-out-loud embarrassing, but in a sufficiently fascist manner as to remain unnerving.” It’s that thing we’re all sick of feeling. I could use that word right now, since it’s time to talk...

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The Republican Frontrunner Thinks Magnets Break When They Get Wet

The Republican Frontrunner Thinks Magnets Break When They Get Wet

Well, the Iowa caucuses are finally upon us, and barring a Hail Mary from the weather manipulation wing of the Haley campaign, the babbling rapist who spends his days meandering from courtroom to courtroom, pausing periodically to demonstrate, for reasons which are...

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Armpits, Ketchup, and a Butt, and Other Causes of the Civil War

Armpits, Ketchup, and a Butt, and Other Causes of the Civil War

The madness tends t’be mercifully light at the end of the year, as Republicans nurse wounds sustained during family holiday card photo shoots. I certainly don’t intend to look this particular gift horse in the mouth; let’s make it a quick one tonight, and get back to...

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Wow, Santa’s Not Fucking Around With That Naughty List This Year

Wow, Santa’s Not Fucking Around With That Naughty List This Year

Well, having arrived at the “Jimmy Comer is hiding under the bed from Steve Doocy because he can’t take the heat on Fox n’ Fiendz” stage of the shampeachment charade, House Republicans figured the time was ripe to link arms and follow Kentucky’s kookiest kakistocrat...

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Shower Cap Blog
Oh, the Sharts You Can Shart, and Other Cancelled Dr. Seuss Books
Cruz? DeJoy? Taylor-Greene? The News Delivered a Bouquet of Buttholes This Week
Sewage Dunk Tank With Ted Cruz Week is the Best Week
Golly, You Sure Do Need a Lot of Synonyms For “Cowardice” To Blog About Republicans During Impeachment
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jenny Cudd, and Mike Lindell? Man, Fuck the News.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Week Leaves Me Longing For Infrastructure Week’s Simple Incompetence
Wait, Not All the News is Soul-Crushingly Horrifying, What the Fuck is Going On?
The Turd Reich Falls! (…Directly on the MyPillow Guy’s Head, Apparently)
This Week in Hell: Bad Things Happen to Bad People, FINALLY (And the MyPillow Guy Was There)
Dear Republicans, Repeat After Me: “Consequences Are Not Kristallnacht.”
Josh Hawley and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Fascist Coup Attempt
This Week in Hell: Everything is Stupid and Dangerous and I Hate It
Is Josh Hawley America’s Next Top Fascist? Tune in to Find Out!
Xmas Week in Hell: Still Awful and Stupid, Just Colder
Okay, A Relief Bill, a Cyberattack, and an Ongoing Coup Attempt Walk Into a Bar…
I Regret to Inform a Nation Already Drowning in Sorrow…A Democrat Has Uttered a Swear
Please! No More Winning! It’s Like a Goddamn Kesha Song in Here!
For a Guy Who Hates Being Called a Loser, He Really is Losing an Awful Lot
Turns Out Things Get Kinda Zany When You’re Prying Power Away From a Death Cult
“We’re All Mad Here,” the Georgia GOP’s New Motto
Rapist Demands Immunity, Presidency
The Republican Frontrunner Thinks Magnets Break When They Get Wet
Congrats, America, It’s Now Been Three Years Since Your Last Violent Insurrection!
Armpits, Ketchup, and a Butt, and Other Causes of the Civil War
Wow, Santa’s Not Fucking Around With That Naughty List This Year
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