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Thank You for Not Rioting

Thank You for Not Rioting

Well, apocalyptic enough for ya? Cities burning while a bloated, malignant, wannabe warlord sows fear and hate, visions of conquest contorting his already vaguely demonic countenance…I’ve read enough Conan the Barbarian comics to know this is gonna get worse before it...

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Say, this latest round of drama made me realize, Shower Cap’s Blog has yet to formally endorse in the 2024 presidential race. Well, I’ll be danged (all the way to Heck) if democracy dies in a tattered, beer-stained, superhero bathrobe and a luchador mask! Yea, though...

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Sundowning Rapist Demands Nap

Sundowning Rapist Demands Nap

Greetings, fellow Enemy Within™️! Hope you enjoyed the lovely autumn week! The crisp weather, the changing of the foliage, the perhaps temporary absence of U.S. military personnel rounding us up into camps for disparaging Dear Leader! I keep coming back to the boiling...

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Say, Why Not Have One Really FRIENDLY Day Instead?

Say, Why Not Have One Really FRIENDLY Day Instead?

At the rate we’re normalizing this shit, within five years we’ll be lamenting the commercialization of the official Day of Violence. Your kids’ll come home from school hopped up on sugar from the candy in the lynched Pence piñata, and the whole family’ll gather in the...

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Frankly, I Found Beyoncé‘s Speech Wonky and Off-Putting

Frankly, I Found Beyoncé‘s Speech Wonky and Off-Putting

поздравления, comrades! Operation Jade Helm VIII: Joy Buzzer succeeded beyond our wildest imaginings, and soon, we shall deliver these hapless “United States” into the tan suit-clad arms of our DEI hire and a mere assistant coach! Muah hah hah hah hee hee ho ho hah...

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Tampon Tim’s Racist Tacos, and Other Dumb, Dumb Shit

Tampon Tim’s Racist Tacos, and Other Dumb, Dumb Shit

Life’s just one long Downfall parody down at Marm-a-Lago these days, for the craven creep cabal brought low by the devastating simplicity of those two humble syllables: “joy” and “weird.” Plus, the Chief Creep got ketchup all over the printout of that nude selfie Kim...

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Catturds and Couches and Bears, OH MY!

Catturds and Couches and Bears, OH MY!

I’d like to dedicate this week’s blog to all those puritanical pundits out there, clutching their pearls to powder over the exuberant outpouring of couchfucker jokes from the rejuvenated American Left. Sure, JD Vance spends his entire professional life spreading...

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Weird (Culture) War Tales

Weird (Culture) War Tales

I’d like to formally retract any despair I may’ve expressed, or even felt, during the debate/ear diaper doldrums of late June/early July 2024. If there’s one lesson I should’ve absorbed over the course of 7+ years spent chroniclin’ the manic minutiae of MAGA madness,...

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Hide Your Sofas & Loveseats, It’s JD Vance!

Hide Your Sofas & Loveseats, It’s JD Vance!

When last we met, we were in disarray, and I think we can all agree…it fucking sucks there. Traffic’s lousy, you can’t get decent pizza, and the less said about the water, the better. On second thought, let’s not go there. ‘Tis a silly place. Plus, we were able to...

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Creepy Loser Cult Still Creepy, Full of Losers

Creepy Loser Cult Still Creepy, Full of Losers

Y’know, a failed assassination attempt should be the greatest thing that could ever possibly happen to a personality cult, but leave it to MAGA to make it embarrassing in less than a week. Ear diapers, you guys? Are you sure? I guess I’m worried that the guy who winds...

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