American Madness Journal

Idiot Rapist Continues Ruining Everything
Following the news these days is like watching the shittiest people alive furiously pound away at a Hungry Hungry Hippos board, where the marbles are, like, massive chunks of the federal budget, or our fundamental human rights. Ukrainian oblasts. Hopes for the future....

Orange Man Worse Than Ever
So, the Offal in the Oval wants to send troops to Greenland. I wonder if we shouldn’t let him. Given his recent success rate, we’d wind up a Danish protectorate inside a week. On the other hand, a war of aggression under our current commander in chief runs the risk of...

Sometimes There’s National Decline So Quickly
Man, I definitely needed the annual birthday week detox this year. Good to let the poison drain outta the ol’ noggin from time to time, y’know? Anyway, I couldn’t possibly have missed much, it was just one week. We didn’t join any axes of evil while I was gone, did...

The Rapist Who Would Be King
Golly gee, a lot’s happened since last we met! Yeah, we’re a monarchy now, but also somehow the vassal of a rapidly collapsing petrostate prosecuting an illegal, genocidal war of conquest against a longtime ally. Shit moves pretty quickly these days. Do chainsaws not...

Elon Musk Fired This Blog
So, lotta shit going down these days, and I imagine you’re pretty bummed about most of it, but let me suggest this is largely a matter of perspective. If you’d only look at things from the point of view of, say, a crooked politician in need of a pardon, or a tyrant...

When Elon Moves Into the Executive Residence, Will Melania Mind?
Hey everybody! Hope you’re well. Look, I know you visit Shower Cap’s Blog for a thorough chroniclin’ of all the MAGA madness, but I honestly don’t have much for ya this week. I think maybe one of those pardoned Capitol rioters had some minor legal dust-up, over unpaid...

In Hindsight, Electing the Narcissistic Rapist Autocrat May Have Been a Mistake
Elon Musk tried to lock me out of my blog, but my password’s got an uppercase letter, a number, AND a symbol, so I’m safe for now. As safe as anyone can be, here in the shit-flooded zone that is…well, whatever we’re calling the landmass north of the Gulf of ‘Murica...

Wait, the Guy From The Apprentice is PRESIDENT?!?!?
Hey, am I still allowed to blog? I have no idea what my rights are anymore. A couple dudes in red coats with muskets showed up yesterday, and I guess I’m quartering them now? Guess I shoulda read Project 2025 a little more closely, back before that executive order...

Rapists and Video Game Cheats and Sure, Let’s Say Mel Gibson, Why Not?
Okay, Reverse Xmas is almost upon us. Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night. A bumpy night that lasts four years. Plus, everyone else in the car will be shrieking and biting and farting the entire time. I begged my doctor to prescribe me a 1,460 day...

Thank You for Not Rioting
Well, apocalyptic enough for ya? Cities burning while a bloated, malignant, wannabe warlord sows fear and hate, visions of conquest contorting his already vaguely demonic countenance…I’ve read enough Conan the Barbarian comics to know this is gonna get worse before it...

(Tech) Bros Before Hos, and Other Fun Rules Under Your New Oligarchy!
Well, hello there. Been a minute. You’re looking well. Y’know, I almost got the smell of autocracy and overcooked steak farts out of my poor, battered cranium, but it appears break time is over, alas. So, a few days back, some soft, sloppy dork called Patrick Thomas...

On the Bright Side, I Just Saved a Bunch of Money on My Car Insurance
First of all: fuck. To clarify: FUCK! Fuckity fucking fuck. That said, in the interest of balance, on the other hand: FUUUUUUUUUCK And to those who would counter, “MOTHERFUCKING FUCKING FUCK,” I say…fair enough. I see where you’re coming from. MOTHERFUCKING FUCKING...

When Your Toilet Only Flushes Once Every Four Years, Flushing Day is Sweet
Wow, is Election Day 2024 really just around the corner? Time sure flies, doesn’t it? Seems like only yesterday we were joyriding around this continent in powdered wigs, talkin’ about self-evident truths and inalienable rights, suddenly we’re watching a septuagenarian...

Say, this latest round of drama made me realize, Shower Cap’s Blog has yet to formally endorse in the 2024 presidential race. Well, I’ll be danged (all the way to Heck) if democracy dies in a tattered, beer-stained, superhero bathrobe and a luchador mask! Yea, though...

Sundowning Rapist Demands Nap
Greetings, fellow Enemy Within™️! Hope you enjoyed the lovely autumn week! The crisp weather, the changing of the foliage, the perhaps temporary absence of U.S. military personnel rounding us up into camps for disparaging Dear Leader! I keep coming back to the boiling...

The Further Adventures of the Flatulent Rapist and His Loser Death Cult
So I see the Dunning-Krugerest fellow to e’er walk the Earth has decided to refer to his opponent, who dog-walked him so brutally in their one face-to-face encounter that he now curls up in the fetal position, sucking that runty little thumb of his, at the mere...

Say, Why Not Have One Really FRIENDLY Day Instead?
At the rate we’re normalizing this shit, within five years we’ll be lamenting the commercialization of the official Day of Violence. Your kids’ll come home from school hopped up on sugar from the candy in the lynched Pence piñata, and the whole family’ll gather in the...

Beware Adjudicated Rapists Offering Protection, and Other Unnecessary Proverbs
Don’t let the lamestream liberal media fool you, ladies, Donald Trump will be your protector. (“Protector” is a synonym for “rapist,” right? I missed a few English classes, back in the day.) Now, don’t worry your pretty little heads over the fine print, but some...

Pet Eating, Black Nazis…Are We Absolutely Certain This is Real Life?
Well, this time, the Secret Service caught the little dipshit before he could get any rounds off, but honestly, if you don’t get to wear a ceremonial ear diaper, does it even count as an assassination attempt? Anyway, we’re supposed to cut it out with the “rhetoric”...

Well, If I Absolutely Had to Pick a Favorite 2024 Presidential Debate…
In lieu of a blog tonight, I have composed an open letter, to the American Broadcasting Company, which I hope you, dear reader, will consider signing: Dear ABC and/or the Deep State, As something of a political junkie, it was with great interest I noticed the two-hour...

Idiot Rapist Continues Ruining Everything
Following the news these days is like watching the shittiest people alive furiously pound away at a Hungry Hungry Hippos board, where the marbles are, like, massive chunks of the federal budget, or our fundamental human rights. Ukrainian oblasts. Hopes for the future....

Orange Man Worse Than Ever
So, the Offal in the Oval wants to send troops to Greenland. I wonder if we shouldn’t let him. Given his recent success rate, we’d wind up a Danish protectorate inside a week. On the other hand, a war of aggression under our current commander in chief runs the risk of...

Sometimes There’s National Decline So Quickly
Man, I definitely needed the annual birthday week detox this year. Good to let the poison drain outta the ol’ noggin from time to time, y’know? Anyway, I couldn’t possibly have missed much, it was just one week. We didn’t join any axes of evil while I was gone, did...

The Rapist Who Would Be King
Golly gee, a lot’s happened since last we met! Yeah, we’re a monarchy now, but also somehow the vassal of a rapidly collapsing petrostate prosecuting an illegal, genocidal war of conquest against a longtime ally. Shit moves pretty quickly these days. Do chainsaws not...

Elon Musk Fired This Blog
So, lotta shit going down these days, and I imagine you’re pretty bummed about most of it, but let me suggest this is largely a matter of perspective. If you’d only look at things from the point of view of, say, a crooked politician in need of a pardon, or a tyrant...