American Madness Journal

Romney Retires; Boebert Jacks Guy Off in Public

Romney Retires; Boebert Jacks Guy Off in Public

  Back in September, 2012, on the very night the famous 47% video leaked, I was approached by a man claiming to be a time traveler from the future, who snickeringly insisted I’d miss Mittens when his career in electoral politics finally ended. Naturally, I...

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“People Doing Poems on Aircraft Carriers” & Other Atrocities

“People Doing Poems on Aircraft Carriers” & Other Atrocities

  Well, the Republican Party continues its mad, manic spiral into authoritarianism, white supremacy, and violence, but on the other hand, Joe Biden is old, so y’know…both sidez, y’all. This is Chuck Todd, filling in for Shower Cap. And now, the news: The GOP’s...

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Hey, Did I Miss Anything?

Hey, Did I Miss Anything?

  Well, hello there. Been a minute. Let’s see if I remember how to do this. Orange Man…good? Do I have that right? Anyway, I’ve returned from summer vacation, ready to resume the fight to take the country back from the busloads of socialist groomer antifas, and...

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Friends, It’s Time For a Break

Friends, It’s Time For a Break

  Well, Walt Nauta and his boss got indicted, so I guess there’s a civil war now? Being American is so fucking embarrassing sometimes. Because wide swaths of the wealthiest, most advanced nation in human history have been overrun by aggressively overcommitted...

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Mummy, the Indictment Fairy Came BACK!

Mummy, the Indictment Fairy Came BACK!

  Boy, nothing enrages the shittiest people alive quite like Donald Trump getting indicted. HEY, YOU CAN’T ARREST THAT GAME SHOW HOST, I WAS WORSHIPPING THAT GUY! They want to insurrect again so badly, only they’re afraid they’d fuck it up like the last one. And...

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Joe’s Gonna Start Complaining About the Lack of Competition

Joe’s Gonna Start Complaining About the Lack of Competition

  Say, for such a young feller, this Biden kid’s got some chops. Yet another too-good-for-Fox-to-spin jobs report, on top of the nobody-gloat-till-the-vote-closes fleecing of poor Keville Chamberlain. Hey, House Republicans, if you’re wondering where Joe’s pants...

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Remember, They’re Sending Their Very, Very Best

Remember, They’re Sending Their Very, Very Best

  John Durham, having failed so completely and spectacularly at the task he devoted 3 1/2 years of his life to, sat down to make a list of all the made-up shit he wanted to find but didn’t, knowing right-wing media would treat it like a stone tablet proving...

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Well, I Have a New Least Favorite Town Hall

Well, I Have a New Least Favorite Town Hall

  Grossest week in a while, wasn’t it? Straight from the E. Jean Carroll verdict to the raw, human horror of that CNN town hall. Sharp drop. The judge in the Carroll case felt compelled to advise the jury to avoid publicly identifying themselves, as doing so...

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The One Where Tucker Carlson Gets Fired

The One Where Tucker Carlson Gets Fired

  I have a favorite push notification now. I think it’s the nicest thing my phone has ever done for me, actually. “What’s that you say, phone? Tucker Carlson got fired? Goodness me, what a wonderful thing to’ve happened, and what a wonderful thing to know!” and I...

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Yeah, Exactly Like Jesus

Yeah, Exactly Like Jesus

  I write tonight’s post from the roof of my apartment building, awaiting FEMA rescue, in the aftermath of the deluge of think pieces n’ hot takes about the strength of Alvin Bragg’s case. Feeling good about my decision to gouge my eyes out to spare myself...

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Mummy, the Indictment Fairy Finally Came!

Mummy, the Indictment Fairy Finally Came!

  Slow news week, huh? Man, that one never gets old. “Slow news week.” Good one, Cap, maybe you can work something in about the Gwyneth Paltrow trial, like a mob of Goop truthers armed with vagina-scented candles storming the courtroom or something? I dunno, I’ll...

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Of Pudding, Putin, and (Horse) Paste

Of Pudding, Putin, and (Horse) Paste

  Before we get started, I’d like to take a moment to congratulate everyone on successfully navigating another week without poisoning yourself to death with livestock dewormer. Poisoning yourself to death with livestock dewormer is something that can happen to...

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Yeah, Kellyanne, Liars are the Worst.

Yeah, Kellyanne, Liars are the Worst.

  So, my birthday was this week, and I asked the Birthday Fairy for one week without assholes, so I could blog about something pleasant, like cupcakes, or cowboy movies, but the Birthday Fairy told me he wasn't a fucking magician, so I guess we’ll do what we we...

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Who Would Get Custody of the Space Lasers?

Who Would Get Custody of the Space Lasers?

  So, Marjorie Taylor Greene wants a divorce. Wouldn’t it be lovely if it were that simple? To just herd all the weirdos into Florida, and let Bugs saw ‘em right off the continent? Sit on the beach, watch ‘em float away into the Atlantic, that endless,...

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Say, Why Not Have One Really FRIENDLY Day Instead?

Say, Why Not Have One Really FRIENDLY Day Instead?

At the rate we’re normalizing this shit, within five years we’ll be lamenting the commercialization of the official Day of Violence. Your kids’ll come home from school hopped up on sugar from the candy in the lynched Pence piñata, and the whole family’ll gather in the...

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Shower Cap Blog
I Saw Hoodie Fetterman With the Devil, and Other Crucible Jokes That Don’t Quite Work
Romney Retires; Boebert Jacks Guy Off in Public
“People Doing Poems on Aircraft Carriers” & Other Atrocities
Hey, Did I Miss Anything?
Friends, It’s Time For a Break
Mummy, the Indictment Fairy Came BACK!
Joe’s Gonna Start Complaining About the Lack of Competition
If God Made a Fighter in Ron DeSantis, God Shouldn’t Quit His Day Job
Remember, They’re Sending Their Very, Very Best
Well, I Have a New Least Favorite Town Hall
BREAKING: Tucker Texts Reveal Hidden, Secret, Completely Unsuspected RACISM
The One Where Tucker Carlson Gets Fired
You’re Just Jealous Your Own Hitler Collection is Comparatively Unimpressive
Yeah, Exactly Like Jesus
Mummy, the Indictment Fairy Finally Came!
Perp-Walk Fixation’s Third Album is an Underrated New Wave Masterpiece
Of Pudding, Putin, and (Horse) Paste
The Capitol Riot Was Actually Mostly Hugs, Tucker Carlson Told Me So
Yeah, Kellyanne, Liars are the Worst.
Who Would Get Custody of the Space Lasers?
Say, Why Not Have One Really FRIENDLY Day Instead?
Beware Adjudicated Rapists Offering Protection, and Other Unnecessary Proverbs
Pet Eating, Black Nazis…Are We Absolutely Certain This is Real Life?
Well, If I Absolutely Had to Pick a Favorite 2024 Presidential Debate…
Strange Bedfellows and Useful Idiots. And Some Third Thing, Probably.
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